Best time for photo booth use

By BoothPix

What is the best time to have the booth running or operating at our event? One of the commonest questions we get asked by hirers so to help we’ve made this short video clip. Yes watch me in full HD explain from our experience. Being honest there is no perfect time, there are a number…

5 Reasons to have a photo booth at your wedding…

By BoothPix

5 Reason to hire a photo booth for a wedding Video. Today I want to talk to you about the 5 reasons to have a photo booth at your wedding, but before I get into those and I just want to ask how much time have you thought about the entertainment? Statistically, entertainment is an…

Wedding Plans – Entertainment

By BoothPix

Interesting reading! I came across some interesting facts whilst researching wedding plans recently and the common theme across a number of websites was the change of priorities for brides after the wedding, should they to have to organise the whole thing again. Wedding Entertainment was the biggest change. I’m not suggesting for one moment that…

Photo Booth v Photo Booth | BoothPix

By BoothPix

Photo Booth Photo Booth It was once quite easy to identify, they were all of a regular size and shape, square boxes that had a half length curtain down the side. Definition noun a cubicle or small room in which a person sits to have their photograph taken by a machine. source: Collins Dictionary From…