Would you like 20,000 interactions on your facebook page?

By BoothPix

Everyone these days refers to viral content but what is it? Engagement – now there’s a word that’s being used a lot more lately, no I’m not referring to an agreed act of matrimony, though statistics suggest this is back on the increase. Rather a mechanism for communication! One thing the internet is brilliant at,…

Recommend Us: Earn a reward!

By BoothPix

Wow, everyone loves a few extra quid, so we’re offering a referral fee for anyone that recommends us which leads to a booking. This can be paid, in cheque, discount off an existing booking or high street vouchers. So now if you recommend us to some of your family, friends, acquaintances etc and they go…

Happy New Year

By BoothPix

We’d like to say a big Happy New Year to all our customers, past & present friends, colleagues and industry associates. We sincerely hope 2012 was as much fun for you as it was for us and hope and raise our glasses to an even funner 2013!

Class of 2012: Photo booth hire

By BoothPix

The inspirational next generation as captured in our photo booth! A short video showing a few highlights from various proms, balls and graduation parties we visited throughout 2012 at numerous Universities, Colleges and Schools. Caution, expect to see drunken debauchery, sex, drugs and rock’n’roll… just not in this video! Enjoy  

Act your age or your shoe size!

By BoothPix

We’ve been saying this since day one, it’s certainly a conversation piece when they see it on our website, business cards or even or our shirts at events. Lets face mucking about in a photo booth is a carefree opportunity that many of miss in adulthood. There are lots of people, a bit like ourselves…