“Naturally Speaking” with RSI

By BoothPix

I have for several months now suffered with acute repetitive strain insert, RSI in my thumb.  During this time it has become more and more difficult to maintain blog and social media updates. In order to continue by being exploring various input options that enable me to avoid using a mouse.  The most recent of…

What is the photo booth experience?

By BoothPix

We often get asked about or to quote for an event where the person making the enquiry has never seen a booth at an event but has been told about them.  It can be sometime difficult to explain the fun and chaos that occurs, and even in doing so not portray fully the good time…

Top tips when planning your wedding…

By BoothPix

Weddings are notoriously expensive and complicated to organise, there is so much pressure to get it right and lets face it everything’s new, unless you’re a professional wedding planner, you do this only once! Make a list – it sounds obvious. Think about what you want, what you can organise and what you need professionals…